As you can probably figure out, each never went his own way. Despite Jacobs' desire to travel the world as a chef, there was just one culinary education to be completed in Denmark. I (Signe) therefore had to drag him home to Copenhagen, where he could finish it.
However, it was only for a short period of time when Jacob quickly decided that seasonal life was not over. The day after getting his hat on in December 2013, Jacob hopped on a bus towards Alpe d'huez in France. Here he had gotten a job at Danski's Hotel Le Refuge as a chef and was to work until April 2014.
In the meantime, I could read Service Economist in Copenhagen and do without my so-called seasonal girlfriend, who had now lasted a year.
In January, I then go on a week's holiday down to visit him… It actually became the start of another season together. Not many days after I had arrived, one of the girls in hotels was injured and had to go home for the rest of the season. Therefore, a new hotel staff was needed. I knew the "game" for seasonal life, had lots of earning experience and huge enthusiasm to work there, so it was quickly decided that I could stay and work for the rest of the season.

After the 2013/2014 Alpe d'huez season, we settled down together in Copenhagen to create a future together. We quickly realised that life as seasonal lovers was going to be more than that. Because on our 2nd anniversary, Jacob pulled out a ring and asked if it would be forever. 🙂
The years suddenly went fast and with a whole year as self-employed in 2015, where we ran catering, food truck and companies and won the supply of canteen operations at my old high school (Virum Gymnasium), then the dream of more seasons just fell further and further away.

In August 2016 we became husband and wife, the following year Noah came into the world, I wrote Bachelor during my maternity leave and suddenly we both had full time jobs as well as hobby business and an everyday life that just went on and on and on….
That was the start Our Alp Adventure, which saw the light of day and became a secret little Instagram account in the spring of 2019.
We hope that our funny anecdote about the ski bums who fell in love has given you more desire to read and will continue to follow our adventures.
Thanks for reading along. 😉 Feel free to leave a comment along the way if you have something on your mind.