In November 2019, I wrote the very first post for our blog. A blog that never took off because the whole alpine adventure was so fantastic that we just wanted to be in the moment without sitting and typing behind a computer, but instead enjoying the fresh alpine air, talking to our guests, providing fantastic service, learning our son to ski and snowboard, yes and much much more. That's why the blog never came up. You should therefore not be deceived by the post I wrote and would have liked to have published, as part of the whole alpine adventure and the journey there.


This is our first post. It's transgressive, funny, strange but also absolutely perfect.

In exactly 12 days we will be in the car on our way to France. Here we have 20 hours to brainstorm, come up with ideas, write, talk, have fun and plan what our next six months will be like.

Okay, planning might be saying too much. Because we have to work. We are going to make fixed routines, even though it is actually a bit of what we escape from. It will just be in another country, in the fresh alpine air and with new people that we have to get to know. Weekday. Because we get new guests min. once a week and we look forward to welcoming you to our hotel and telling you a small part of our history. Maybe they'll find us here afterwards. On the blog.

Wildly enough. A blog. I actually started doing that when I (Signe) traveled to France for the first time in 2011, on my very first ski season as a 19-year-old. It didn't come to anything and it was really just for my family and friends so they could follow my life down there. Like a kind of diary. Now I create this blog to inspire others. And I'm looking forward to it!