After Macron presented a third lockdown less than a month ago, it looked pretty bleak for how the whole of France should handle the summer and tourists in general. Before the month of April ended, however, he came up with one reopening plan which definitely looks somewhat brighter than expected.

From Monday 3 May
The lockdown part and the 10km rule will be lifted. You can now travel freely between the regions and no longer need a certificate to show why you travel between 06.00-19.00.
The larger class students and high school students can come back to school again.

May 19th something is finally happening!
- The curfew will be changed from 19-06 to now and apply only from kl. 21-06.
- All "unnecessary" stores may reopen after being closed since April 3.
Cinemas, theaters and museums may open with a limited number of visitors
- Cafés, bars and restaurants can open outdoors with a maximum of 6 people per. table.
Collection of up to 10 people allowed again in public places.
- Sports facilities with spectators outdoors or covered open with restrictions.

When we get to June 9th can we
- be out until 23:00, because the exit ban will be moved from 21 to and be from 23-06.
- again go indoors at a restaurant, however with a maximum of 6 people per. table
- go to fitness and sports centers
- receive travelers outside the EU or travel outside the EU, with a “Pas-Sanitaire” (Corona-pas)
- go to public events, such as concerts, sports matches etc. with a maximum of 5000 participants, with a “Pas-Sanitaire”. - It means a lot here with us! Because it means that many of the events planned in L'Alpe-d'Huez over the summer can actually happen!

The very best is June 30th
- this is where the curfew ends completely. So we have to be out all night long if we want to. However, discos are not open, but restaurants and bars are open without a restriction on opening hours.
- Events with up to 1000 participants can be held, however, all participants must have "Pas-Sanitaire".

Below you can see two different pictures with an overview of the reopening plan.

This means that when you dear Danes go on the big school summer holiday on June 26, we can happily welcome you to Hotel le Refuge. Denne dato er alt det sjove åbent, I kan være ude til kl. 23, og efter den 30. juni kan I jo så være ude hele natten. 😉 Allerbedst er, at den 26. juni opens our lovely resort here in Alps d'Huez. Once it opens, you can come with the lift, you can swim in both indoor and outdoor pool. You can climb, go shopping, go to a restaurant and all the fantastic activities our sunshine city has to offer.

See you? So hurry up and book your summer vacation right now!