Are you ready for an experience out of the ordinary? A workplace with high ceilings, lots of skiing time and great experiences?
Then maybe you are the one we are looking for for our cozy hotels and chalets in Alpe d'Huez, France.
At our three locations, we have a total of 117 beds and throughout the winter we are almost fully booked at both hotels, where half board is provided for all guests.
As hotel staff with us, it will be your most important task to give our guests the best service during their entire stay.
Dit arbejde hos Your Alp som Hotelpersonale
Dit arbejde vil bestå af at servicere gæsterne på hotellerne og i restauranten, både morgen, eftermiddag og aften, samt at gøre rent og rydde op på hotellerne. Du skal ligeledes stå bag baren og skabe en god stemning for både børn og voksne. Foruden Hotel le Refuge and Hotel le Chamois, you will also have shifts at ours Chalet le Vieux Murs which is just 50 m from the hotel.
The most important thing is the guests and the service you give them - therefore you have to be smiling and motivated to give the guests a fantastic holiday. As hotel staff, you must live and work with primarily Danish colleagues, but can also be employed of other nationalities - common to all of you is that you enjoy the environment in the Alps and love the Alps' many opportunities for activities.
We offer you:
Vi tilbyder dig et spændende og varieret arbejde med gode forhold, hvor du i samarbejde med hotelmanageren, får ansvaret for at gøre de forventningsfulde gæster glade.
In addition, unforgettable experiences, new friendships, community with your team and challenges await - all in all, we set the framework for you to have a fantastic winter season with a good balance between hard but fun work and fantastic experiences, as well as plenty of space for skiing .
Our requirements for you:
It is important to us that all our guests have an unforgettable holiday with us. Therefore, it is also extremely important that you are willing to help us achieve this goal.
We need you to:
- Is service minded and has a minimum of 6 months experience from the service industry.
- Are at least 19 years old.
- Is smiling and outgoing.
- Is a team player.
- Want to get to know new people.
- Er indstillet på at knokle igennem når der er brug for det
- Ikke er bange for at svinge støvsugeren eller gulvmoppen, samt smide sengetøj på op til 60 senge min. én gang om ugen i samarbejde med dine kollegaer.
Time period:
Vintersæson løber fra midt december til midt april.
I løbet af vinteren, kan vi stå og mangle personale ret akut, derfor er du altid velkommen til at sende en ansøgning og gerne skrive hvornår du tidligst kan starte fra. Vi oplever ofte at ansætte i løbet af vintersæsonen.
Sommersæson løber typisk fra slut juni til slut august. Dette kan variere meget.
If the above sounds like something for you, you are very welcome to send us your application. We receive a lot of interest in this job and therefore we expect your application to include the following:
- Motivated application
- CV with photo
- Short introductory video of yourself (max 2 minutes)
The above is sent to job@youralpadventure.com – skriv “Uopfordret Hotelpersonale ansøgning (Sommer eller Vinter)” i emnefeltet.
Vi gør opmærksom på, at hvis din ansøgning ikke sendes med ovenstående, kan vi ikke garanterer din ansøgning bliver taget i betragtning.
You can read more about us here og ved spørgsmål er du velkommen til at kontakte os på mail job@youralpadventure.com