With 12 days to go and a France in the worst possible infection rate at the moment, it is clear that all emotions roll out and speak to one. Last night at 8pm, President Macron spoke to the people and declared France in National Health Crisis.
So with 12 days to go, to a life that should give us more freedom, we are now sitting, with a huge lump in our throat and an uncertainty that is almost unbearable.
We wanted a life of freedom. Now we get a life with demands for bandages and gloves - constantly. Is that really what we need? Is it the universe that speaks to us? Or is it just a new world we ALL have to learn and commit to. Because if it is, then why is no one traveling? Do we get guests? Do we have a job? What are we really down to?
All those questions we ask ourselves daily at the moment. It is a somewhat marvelous world we live in and it is all so unknown. Friends and family keep asking what we do? What is Plan B?
Plan B? It does not exist. Because if we have to plan a plan B, then in our eyes it is negative from the start. We do not want to waste energy on making a plan B. So we go with plan A. To move to France, create a new life, ski a lot and find out how we create a future together in a foreign country , with completely alien time horizons and a new alien virus in the world. Day by day… One day at a time.
Det gør ondt i maven. Men vi håber, at det også er den rigtige form for ondt. Nervøsitet, spænding, nye tider. Sommerfugle i maven ondt 🙂
Potentially we can stand down there without guests and therefore without jobs. It's really scary to think about. At the moment, the days go by cutting from where we can. Have the least possible expenses so we can get through a few months without income. At the same time, we must also secure ourselves. And the insurance companies .. yes they are not easy to deal with at the moment. For what does it really mean when you travel to such a hard-hit country? How are we covered? It is not really to know yet, but hopefully they have an answer for us very soon ..
Wherever everything is, a new life awaits us. A life we must create together in completely new and different surroundings. It will be exciting, challenging and guaranteed to be extremely hard. But we hope you will follow along on the sidelines and cheer all the way ??