Finding ski clothes and equipment for children is not always easy. There is a big difference in how our children are built. As with adults, we are all different. Height and draft as well as the size of the feet, which is the body that should preferably have the very best when you are on a skiing holiday.
It is also an expensive pleasure with equipment for children as they are growing all the time!
Fortunately, there is a great solution to that. Both on the equipment and clothing part.
Already years before we got Noah, I discovered that it local ski shop, where we are regular customers, offers an ingenious solution. Exactly the child base.

With the children's base, you have the opportunity to ski and boots grow with the child. That is, every year, when the child has grown out of his boots, but maybe not his skis, then you can just come down and exchange the boots for a really cheap exchange price. If you go on more than one ski holiday, or you go on a day trip to Vallåsen, then there is a lot of money and savings in renting. In addition, your children will also get some skis and boots that they know. You do not have to spend time standing in line for several hours for the rental on the very first ski day of the holiday. You can just drive straight out on the piste! That's brilliant!
Jeg er helt tosset med det koncept og vi gør naturligvis også brug af det. Hos Steep & Deep, har de desværre ikke snowboard udstyr. Så det er altså kun, hvis børnene står på ski. Når man som Noah står på begge ting, så må vi jo bare investerer i board og støvler, og håber at fødderne ikke vokser for hurtigt 😉
Fortunately, we have saved a lot of money by being able to switch to something new with Børnebasen.

When it comes to the clothing part, the kids need to dress really well. For us, proper quality is important, so we are sure that Noah is always dressed to both be able to keep warm, but also get rid of it if it is too hot.
Here are our best purchases for Noah;
Inner layer: Wool underwear from Dilling
Middle layer on upper body, burton baselayer fleece – It has only been on the VERY cold days
Outerwear: Toddlers' Burton Maven Bib Pant + Toddler Burton Amped Jacket
The outerwear from Burton is so practical, because there is Room-to-grow which provides the opportunity for the children to grow in it. Inside the sleeves of the jacket and in the trouser leg of the trousers, there is a seam. It can be easily cut up and then you get both more leg length or sleeve length. Isn't that smart?
If you want to read more about ski / snowboard clothes for children, you can find more info at
Ej at forglemme, skal man tænke smart, når man tager på skiferie med de allermindste og hvilket ekstra udstyr man med fordel helt sikkert skal købe/leje. Det kommer der meget snart et indlæg om, samt hvilke børnevenlige byer du finder i alperne 😉