Noah's first school week in France

Noah's first school week in France

Then a week passed. A school week in France. Which is a whole new world for us. Firstly – SCHOOL? Yes, Noah is actually only 3 years and 3 months old, but in France you start school at 3 years old. It's a huge change. Not only that it is a school, but also impressions...
Part 2. The ski bums who fell in love

Part 2. The ski bums who fell in love

As you can probably guess, things never went their separate ways. Despite Jacob's desire to travel the world as a chef, there was a cooking course to be completed in Denmark. I (Signe) therefore dragged him home to Copenhagen, where he could do...
The ski bums who fell in love .. Part1

The ski bums who fell in love .. Part1

So who is this crazy family that chooses to travel from it all. Steady job, good salary, nice newly built house in fantastic neighborhood with good friends and a really happy son. Yes, who are we really? What is our story? Where do we come from? And what is our background? We...